Screen time is NOT a problem!

Hi to lovely mums out there!! I know we all struggle with the addiction or ease of using a smartphone whether it’s a grandparent, parent or kids.

Firstly! Don’t think you are the only one struggling, lots of people are and you have already made a head start if you are thinking of reducing screen time for your kids. That’s the first step in the right direction.

The most important question you need to ask yourself is why your child is watching an animation movie or spending time with the phone. Here are a few questions you can ask yourself that will help you in identifying the real reason why your kid busy with gadgets

  • Is it because you are too busy to entertain the child?
  • He or She is an only child and has no one to play with and doesn’t know how to play with to toys on his own.
  • Are you using an iPad/mobile phone/TV as a distraction while feeding your child, and now it has developed into a habit?
  • If you are working mum are others in your family or nannies encouraging him/her to watch/use the phone.
  • Are you or your partner/husband addicted to phone and create an environment where it is okay to be glued to a screen any time of the day.

Once you have identified the reason you can work on finding a solution.

If you are busy taking care of the house, please remember to think about getting some help for housework, if that isn’t a possibility then involve your child in the housework they will enjoy it more than watching a film. If you have to empty the dishwasher ask them to hand utensils and then you do a celebration dance on their favourite song. It will change your mundane task forever.

If a phone is being used as a distraction, then try a toy, game, puzzle, colouring to replace those. I either do colouring with my daughter while travelling or we sway in the car on songs but I don’t give her my phone.

If you are working mom, please prepare activities and plan for your kids in advance and then ask the caretaker to follow it through the day. This way you can reduce the screen time.


Most importantly, you have to share with the family the ill effects of screen time, it not only affects child development but also the ability to connect socially.  Please read about the research work Camilla Rees has done in this area which talks about changes made at the DNA level with overuse of gadgets. Please try to reduce this DIGITAL POLLUTION in your life.

Just let the light in

sometimes there is nothing more beautiful, than the gentle touch of love
sometimes there is nothing more calming, than the gentle breeze in your garden
sometimes there is nothing more peaceful, than the face of a sleeping child
sometimes there is nothing more exciting, than a seed opening to let a leaf see the light
only sometimes we let life touch our hearts and let the light in

so open your heart and let life take it’s course

be present, positive and peaceful 🙂

Don’t just exist

2017 New Year, a fresh start, resolutions, promises and what not but slowly days, week, months pass by and we fall into the same trap called life.

I read a quote today “I am not what happened to me but I am what I choose to be” it struck a chord somewhere. I have been in the phase for some time when I am not sure what I want next, I know what I would like to do but still unsure for some reason because I don’t just want what’s feasible I also want all that’s crazy and unrealistic too. Sounds confusing right and may be silly too well that’s me I guess.

I remember as a kid I would sit reading a book or a newspaper and my brain would go jet speed from one thought to another no stopping, no inhibitions, no fear I was convinced I can do anything I put my heart to but it’s easy to lose this sense of courage and confidence. My daughter reminded me how I was as a child and that made me realise how fearless we are as a child and how we grow up to become risk averse, anxious of upsetting others and maybe sometimes we just exist. It’s not always parents who teach kids sometimes it’s them J

If you are looking for that push if you are looking for that one reason, that one cue that would push you do take the plunge then just go ahead and do it don’t wait. Sometimes chances are time bound so don’t wait anymore. If change is what you want then make it happen because it’s your life and no one and I mean no one should stop you.

If you still need a reason then think of your child – would you tell them to be afraid of dreaming big, shy away from challenges because they might have to tread untrodden path, I believe the answer would be NO so go ahead and be a role model and love life as much as you love them.

Here is to new beginnings because life is too short to be afraid 😉

#newbeginnings #2017 #happynewyear #newyearresolution #dream #life #weliveonce #courage #loveyourself #bearolemodel #parenthoodlessons #motherhood





What a journey it’s been so far! Parenthood is relentless but rewarding it’s true to it’s core. Some babies sleep well and some don’t but all bring immense amount of love in life. They are truly god’s angels and one just falls in love with them over and over again.

It’s hard not to look at them when they are sleeping and doubly hard not to crib that one is sleep deprived. Motherhood is best sweet and sour chutney of life..there I said it 😀

When I first saw Amora I felt this surge of emotion within me. My partner asked nurse the gender of the baby and I said it’s our Amora (it’s a girl) without waiting for nurse to confirm. I just knew it. I felt I could do it all over again right then, when I held her in my arms I wanted to live that moment again and again! I guess I was high on hormones that’s what sister thinks.

One thing I learned after becoming a mother is fearlessness (if that’s a word!). I am now ready to grow old because that meant I could see my baby grow bigger and stronger. Life with baby is so different and you feel so many emotions you didn’t even know existed.

Priorities do change! I use to think that’s the most used, exploited, wasted and meaningless cliche. If you love your career, dressing up or have a passion or interest why will you give up just because you had a baby. I know you can have a career, follow your passion or live your dream but it’s hard, very hard infact. To all mothers out there may you be stronger and be blessed! Live a life you are proud of so your little one can learn to love theirs too.

Until next time..DSC_0238.JPG


I am back!

Many of us have heard about writer’s block, creative juices drying up pushing you to a corner terrified that you would never ever write again but for me it’s the “creative drowning” that pushes me to write.

I am always observant and curious and imagine writing about my experiences, food I have cooked and interesting chance encounters. I can never find time to write, I take pictures of food at home and beautiful historical buildings or striking piece of graffiti art but it all gets lost in miscellaneous archives of my laptop.

I have always found writing as therapeutic, it really allows me to move on from sadness, anger and sometimes take-in happiness that I find hard to explain to others. Today is one of those days I just want to write and it’s nothing about beautiful surroundings, weather or food.

This post is about the pleasure of writing; it really allows me to clear my head and see through the dark clouds of day-to-day chaos and see myself. Now for some reason this last line sounds like I am hearing voices and walking down the insanity lane, believe I am not. I am not an accomplished writer, that’s itJ

I am posting some of the pictures of food I have cooked in last few days for two reasons firstly  I started to write about food on this blog but was never disciplined enough to write a detailed recipe secondly I love to share my food pictures.

I doubt anyone will read this post but if someone is then they might question – why not post on Pinterest?  I can’t be bothered to be on a new social site, I can get into various boards without creating a user profile and I would continue to sneak in.

Here is to the hope that I would push myself to write more often and not let the little writer bug die in me.





Let the light reach you..

I haven’t posted anything on this blog for ages and it wasn’t for lack of motivation but it’s was more of time constraints. My kitchen has been buzzing always but never had the time to take pictures and write about recipes. I love cooking and therefore changed this blog to food blog but I think it will go back to blabbering what’s in my head again! Sorry for few of you who read this.

I have always believed that we all have then key to happiness and can achieve whatever we set our eye on. However the fact is the time to achieve your goals/ambitions/dreams will depend on the situation you are in and the people in your life. Oh you knew this was coming!

It’s funny how some people just stress so much how others should behave, talk, respond and forget to analyse their own behaviour. In an ideal scenario we all should realise our own shortcomings before we point fingers but I think it’s easier for some people to skip the first stage and just think everyone out there is after them.

In this whole process what they miss is the opportunity to enrich their life with people who want to be close to them but can’t be just because they can’t move beyond situations and pity misunderstandings. We all leave this world alone what we leave behind is love and memories in people heart for you. If you can’t grow above all the issues for a new start whether you are old or young then you dint allow the light to get to your heart!!!

New year and dilemma’s

Every year we think about new year resolutions and improving our life!

We all fall of the bandwagon after sometime – life changes only when you make that change.

When you plan to take a step move forward so don’t wait for New Years just go ahead and do what makes you smile.

A xxx


This post makes me smile not in a funny way but with disappointment of not being able to keep my promise of blogging often but and there is a BIG “but” as I have not been able to stick to my plans…

As someone said that it’s important to show courage and move in the right direction and sometimes journey is more significant than the results  – I have to say I am finding lot of solace in this thought today. I did take pictures of the food I cooked as I cook daily but had no time or energy to post about them individually.

So here is a peek a boo in my treasure of pictures without their recipe’s …. common don’t sneer at me, does life not throw us into situations where we have no idea what the hell just happened!!!!

I believe posting pics without recipes is just like that! Having said that I even thought about blogging about Independence day and the whole food celebration that would go with it (JLT talking about my childhood)!!!! However due to time constraints I thought…let my pictures SPEAK THOUSAND WORDS IN MY DEFENCE 😉

Love to hear from visitors or bloggers….keep connected 🙂

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Missing Chai Wallah’s

Well if you talking about rains how could you not talk about chai!

I know Londoner’s love their tea but I still have to fall to in love with the english tea – growing up with a cup of tea that’s made with undivided attention and precision can never be replaced by water boiled in kettle and coloured with tea bag.
Loved the whole session that would do the round while sipping tea with some home-made snack (of course pakoras topped the list) specially a nice cup of tea outside university/college at small tapries!
Miss the whole experience of eating at dhabas and snacking in small tapries and I don’t think any Starbucks/Nero/Costa can make up for them. I can give up Starbuck to sit on a roadside taprie for a hot cardamom earthen tea cup just heavenly!  So I am looking forward to try Chai at DISHOOM  London and may be I will in love with chai all over again!

I don’t think so many people fancy chai wallahs the way I do may be because I fall in love easily with everything 😉